As a sales manager, are you consistent and reliable?

It's common to hear sales managers express their frustration over the lack of accountability and follow-through in their teams. "I can't get them to consistently adopt new initiatives," "I feel like I have no control over my salespeople's progress," are phrases that are often repeated. In these moments, I like to address the topic of weekly individual meetings. They are a powerful tool for driving accountability, transforming frustration into constructive dialogue, and ensuring that new strategies and processes are effectively implemented.

Individual meetings between managers and salespeople are not only an opportunity to maintain alignment and remove obstacles, but they are also a crucial space for providing feedback, setting clear goals, and developing specific action plans to improve performance.


These meetings provide a platform to delve into each team member's individual challenges, identify areas for improvement, and offer the necessary support to help them reach their full potential. However, despite their importance, it's surprising how many managers fail to fully leverage these meetings, whether due to a lack of structure, insufficient preparation, or simply not fully grasping their potential to drive accountability and team success. Therefore, having a solid guide for conducting effective individual meetings can make the difference between mediocre management and exceptional leadership.


The objectives of individual meetings between managers and sales representatives extend beyond facilitating clear bidirectional communication and promoting accountability for commitments. They serve as an invaluable platform for the continuous development of the team. These meetings enable managers to delve into the priorities, challenges, and specific needs of each team member, providing them with a deeper understanding of how to offer the necessary support.


They represent an ideal opportunity to deliver personalized and relevant training, address obstacles that may be hindering progress, and ensure that each representative is aligned with the organization's objectives and strategies.


Moreover, these individual meetings not only strengthen the relationship between the manager and the team but also play a crucial role in driving performance and the overall success of the sales department.


It's crucial to establish a consistent agenda for individual meetings that covers various key topics to ensure that all important aspects are addressed. These may include updates on closed deals and key opportunities, a detailed review of activity metrics compared to established goals, an in-depth analysis of project portfolios and strategic discussions, as well as identifying skill development needs and training.


Additionally, there should be room for open discussion and the opportunity to address any issues that arise during the meeting. It's essential for both parties to come prepared to address these points, with the representative taking an active role in leading the presentation of updates and raising any relevant issues or concerns. On the other hand, the manager should adopt an active listening approach, asking pertinent questions, offering their perspective when necessary, and collaborating with the representative to agree on the next steps or actions to take. This ensures that the meeting is productive, focused, and achieves tangible results for the representative's development and performance.


 Regular individual meetings, whether weekly or biweekly, are an essential tool for team development and growth. It's crucial to establish a consistent frequency and protect this time in the schedule as dedicated space for progress and communication. Consistency in the frequency of these meetings not only ensures effective follow-up but also fosters an environment of accountability and commitment.


For these meetings to be truly productive, both the manager and the representative must adequately prepare. They are not merely routine check-ins but opportunities to address important issues, review progress, identify areas for improvement, and set clear goals for the future. By protecting and respecting this dedicated time, a space is created for open, honest communication focused on the team's success.



It's essential to establish a clear accountability loop at the end of each individual meeting, where both the representative and the manager clearly summarize the commitments made. These commitments serve as a reference point for follow-up and evaluation in the next meeting. It's crucial for these commitments to be specific, measurable, and have defined timelines to ensure effective accountability.


Furthermore, it's important to establish clear consequences for the lack of follow-up or fulfillment of commitments. This not only reinforces the importance of accountability but also demonstrates that actions have tangible repercussions. By maintaining this focus on mutual accountability and clear consequences, a culture of commitment and fulfillment is promoted within the team, contributing to stronger performance and successful outcomes.


Quality individual meetings are essential for maintaining the coherence, focus, and accountability necessary to ensure field execution remains uncompromised. As leaders, it's imperative that we consistently and dedicatedly prioritize these meetings.


The proverb "What gets measured gets managed" underscores the importance of active monitoring and constant supervision. Regular and high-quality individual meetings represent the best tool for driving activity, improving results, and fostering professional development within a sales team. By investing time and resources in these meetings, we are not only strengthening the current performance of the team but also laying the groundwork for sustained long-term growth and success.

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